fel: omdefiniering av ap_hack_apr_allocator_create

Apache Web Server-källkodskompilering är alltid kul.

Det är mycket sällsynt att Apache kommer att kompileras vid första körningen på en helt ny server.

Faktum är att det kräver en hel del förutsättningar och om någon av dem saknas eller versionskompatibilitet kan du behöva lägga mycket tid på att fixa dem.

Jag arbetade på den helt nya servern Linux 6.4 för att installera Apache 2.4.6 och stötte på följande fel.

error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_create'
exports.c:921: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_create' was here exports.c:1930:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_destroy'
exports.c:922: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_destroy' was here exports.c:1931:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_alloc' exports.c:923: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_alloc' was here exports.c:1932:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_free' exports.c:924: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_free' was here exports.c:1933:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_owner_set'
exports.c:925: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_owner_set' was here exports.c:1934:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_owner_get' exports.c:926: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_owner_get' was here exports.c:1935:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_max_free_set' exports.c:927: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_max_free_set' was here exports.c:1937:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_mutex_set' exports.c:929: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_mutex_set' was here exports.c:1938:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_mutex_get' exports.c:930: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_allocator_mutex_get' was here exports.c:1944:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_init' exports.c:936: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_init' was here exports.c:1945:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_read32' exports.c:937: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_read32' was here exports.c:1946:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_set32' exports.c:938: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_set32' was here exports.c:1947:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_add32' exports.c:939: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_add32' was here exports.c:1948:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_sub32' exports.c:940: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_sub32' was here exports.c:1949:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_inc32' exports.c:941: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_inc32' was here exports.c:1950:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_dec32' exports.c:942: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_dec32' was here exports.c:1951:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_cas32' exports.c:943: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_cas32' was here exports.c:1952:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_xchg32' exports.c:944: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_xchg32' was here exports.c:1953:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_casptr' exports.c:945: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_casptr' was here exports.c:1954:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_xchgptr' exports.c:946: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_atomic_xchgptr' was here exports.c:1960:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_dso_load' exports.c:1085: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_dso_load' was here exports.c:1961:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_dso_unload' exports.c:1086: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_dso_unload' was here exports.c:1962:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_dso_sym' exports.c:1087: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_dso_sym' was here exports.c:1963:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_dso_error' exports.c:1088: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_dso_error' was here exports.c:1969:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_env_get' exports.c:1094: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_env_get' was here exports.c:1970:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_env_set' exports.c:1095: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_env_set' was here exports.c:1971:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_env_delete' exports.c:1096: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_env_delete' was here exports.c:1976:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_strerror' exports.c:1101: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_strerror' was here export.c:1981:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_stat' exports.c:1106: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_stat' was here exports.c:1982:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_dir_open' exports.c:1107: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_dir_open' was here exports.c:1983:
error: redefinition of 'ap_hack_apr_dir_close' exports.c:1108: note: previous definition of 'ap_hack_apr_dir_close' was here

Om du får ett liknande fel kan du fixa det som jag gjorde genom att följa.


Efter att ha tittat på olika parametrar märkte jag att detta händer när du har apr-util lägre version än 1.4.1

  • Verifiera din apr-util-version. Om du hittar en lägre version måste du installera 1.4.1 eller högre
  • Ladda ner apr-util källkod från http://mirror.nus.edu.sg/apache/apr/
  • Extrahera den nedladdade filen

Kompilera och installera enligt följande

make install

Som standard installeras den under /usr/local/apr/bin/apu-1-config

Nu kan du komplimentera apache med nyinstallerad apr-util och det borde vara okej.

./configure --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr/bin/apu-1-config

Det hjälpte mig och jag hoppas att du också.

Gillade du att läsa artikeln? Vad sägs om att dela med världen?